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error during communication with the RIFF server: Access denied for current riffbox

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  • error during communication with the RIFF server: Access denied for current riffbox

    Good afternoon, yesterday after a while without using my box, went it to use I threw that there was an update and procedures to do it, after this I asked the authentication and throws me the following error "error during communication with the RIFF server: Access denied for current riffbox" this to be? " Thank you

  • #2
    That means that Box is blocked on server due to request from reseller. Usually unpaid bills, or transaction dispute.
    ICQ: 299-912-089
    QQ: 1634811353


    • #3
      In this case I can do the buy for amazon, how will block the box this way?
      Last edited by giovanni_brice; 03-04-2017, 01:02 AM.


      • #4
        Cancel transaction dispute. I've been told this box was disputed as "not received", which is obviously not true.
        ICQ: 299-912-089
        QQ: 1634811353


        • #5
          I'm going to check but I have not asked for any kind of dispute or anything like that, but I have here the equipment with me what I can observe is that tine like 2 mac tags stuck, and that it was not 100% closed this equipment
          Last edited by giovanni_brice; 03-04-2017, 10:16 AM.

